
Empowering individuals to rapidly transform their lives both personally and professionally, through success-orientated thinking.

How you can reinvent yourself for success


Mindset and the nature of our thoughts will determine the path we take in life. An integral component of this is our self-talk which can either hold us back or propel us forward. It’s that internal voice that has such a powerful influence on the choices and decisions we make, ultimately shaping our self-image. If we want to believe something different about ourselves, to have greater self-confidence, can we reinvent ourselves for success? Because life will never be better than our self-image allows it to be, so the change has to start with us.

Why we are different


So many people are simply unaware of the power they have to direct and control their lives, let alone where to start. 

With the essential Winning Edge proven framework, you'll understand it's the nature of your thinking - your mindset - that will impact the part you play, to create the outcomes you want and thus push through the doubts and self-limiting beliefs holding you back when the chips are down or when you want to up your game.

Over 39 years in, The Winning Edge mindset magic continues to empower individuals and enable businesses worldwide, across multiple industries, to radically transform their results.

In a nutshell, our programmes are pragmatic and challenge you head-on, reaching parts of the brain most training fears to tread! We are straight-talking and dynamic with our approach when delivering strategies to help you reset your mindset, execute your vision and achieve game-changing and sustainable results with meaning.

There is no magic wand. It takes grit and dedication to achieve great things. However, we are committed to delivering a framework so you can make it happen. The Winning Edge learning platform has been carefully designed, with the intention and commitment to maximise learning and provide invaluable resources, support and community for you to grow and thrive. 

It's how we do it that really sets us apart...

Mindset management training recognised with an MBE award

The award, presented by the former Prince of Wales, is the first to be awarded for services to personal development and training within the corporate sector.

Richard Jackson has built credibility over the past three decades by demonstrating that what Mancroft’s Winning Edge courses offer is unique – mindset management is THE key determinant in organisational success – it even affects people’s willingness to embrace and fully implement the ‘how to’ and skills that they possess. The over-riding ethos being that how we think about things is much more important than what we think about.

Mancroft’s unique Winning Edge courses have taken Richard worldwide from small businesses to FTSE 100 and Fortune 500 companies.

On receiving the MBE, Jackson said: “This is an incredible honour and I feel very privileged that Mancroft’s work has been recognised.”

What we stand for - our values


Our team thrives on the understanding that the nature of our thinking is paramount to the results we create in life.

The five core values of The Winning Edge culture is to collectively...

Be solution-orientatedTo be aware of the challenges that may surround us yet adopt the thinking habits and build the support network to achieve the vision with determination and grit.

Have a strong sense of purposeTo know who we are, what we stand for and what we want, with a strong desire, goal and belief to make it happen. 

To always be aligned with our values and take personal responsibility for the part we play in any given situation.

Build strong relationships with others. To create a positive and supportive space in which we stop, listen and be mindful of how others like to be treated so we can learn, grow and thrive together.

Have a positive self-image. To see ourselves as the kind of people who can achieve the success we collectively want, to create real value and impact for our network and beyond. 

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