Why it pays to be nice
Jul 01, 2019
“Contrary to the cliché, genuinely nice guys most often finish first or very near it.” Malcolm Forbes
I write a lot about the importance of effective, open and transparent communication between managers and their teams and how this is what makes a manager a great leader. So, what about colleagues – those who we see day in and day out and who we spend possibly more time with than we do with members of our own family?
We spend so much time with colleagues, that surely it’s important to nurture authentic relationships with them.
There can be so many different personalities working within a team or department, not to mention the hierarchy of differing roles and positions, continuous harmonious relationships are probably a bit unrealistic. It can sometimes result in strained communication and potential misunderstandings.
In order for everyone to work effectively together, it’s important to remember we’re all human, we all have different stresses and strains to varying degrees and we all have a life outside of work with its various joys and challenges. By understanding individuals and what ‘makes them tick’ and what interests them, you may find some common ground that oils the wheels of communication enabling better working relationships.
It doesn’t take much to build a rapport with someone - the odd chat around the water cooler or inquiring how someone’s weekend was whilst waiting for the kettle to boil… It’s during these exchanges you find out something about a person which can lead to further pleasantries and before you know it, you’re easily able to strike up a conversation and you’re actually getting to know them. You never know, you might even get on with them really really well!
Building a relationship with your colleagues will not only make for a better working environment but also, if you need their help or a favour, aren’t they more likely to be accommodating if you’re seen as the colleague who bothers to get to know them…?
Building a rapport with someone aIso means you’re making deposits into your Goodwill Account – it’s not about ‘you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours’ – it’s genuine.
Call it ‘what goes around comes around’ if you will but you get out what you put in. In my opinion, it all helps to contribute towards a conducive, cohesive and pleasant working environment. That can only be a good thing, surely.
"When people talk, listen completely. Most people never listen." Ernest Hemingway
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